Europe Fides
LE YU is a member of Europe Fides, a network of mid-sized accounting and law firms in Europe and Asia. Europe Fides is represented in 18 European Countries, with a staff of over 700 professionals and 100 partners. As the pioneering Asian member, LE YU serves as a bridge to actively bring European and Asian businesses together in the cross border collaborations and expansions. We, together with our Europe Fides partners, work closely together to organize collaborative platforms for our clients to work together.
Singapore Business Federation Access Asia
The AccessAsia@Singapore programme is a SBF-led initiative that provides a single point of entry for foreign enterprises to gain access to Asia through Singapore. AccessAsia brings together leading Singapore-based professional service companies to provide key services including banking, legal and tax advice, expatriate relocation and HR strategy consulting for global companies looking to establish business operations in Singapore.
LE YU is an AccessAsia Member. We assist to bridge overseas companies in the expansion into Asia with our complete suite of professional services.
Workforce Management
Together with our workforce management partner, LE YU is connected to more than 20 countries around the world in talent deployment, with more than 1,000 talent headcounts under management.
Our clients in workforce management include the top IT, Tech, Finance, Oil & Gas multinationals.